AI Education at UMD
Call for AIM Course Development Grant Proposals
UMD faculty members may either apply for a Course Development Grant ($10,000) or an Experiential Learning and Community-Engaged Course Development Grant (up to $25,000) for courses focused on any aspect of AI or AI general education courses. Applications due February 17, 2025.
AIM is working with faculty and staff across campus to develop the following new degree programs:
B.S. in AI
B.A. in AI
M.S. in AI
Ph.D. in AI
How can we get our students to think about how AI can increase access to a living wage, education or health care? AIM promises to be a unique place for looking at AI in new ways, including applying feminist methods of scholarship to look at how AI is made and what it’s used for.
Neda Atanasoski, AIM Associate Director for Education
Professor and Chair of the Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
'23-'24 AI-Related Course List
Click the program names to see all available courses.
AMSC808X: Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics; Machine Learning for Scientific Computing (1 cr)
AOSC650: Neural Networks for the Physical Sciences (3 cr)
ARCH418D: Selected Topics in Architectural Technology; The future of Sustainability:Human:centered Design, EmergingTechnologies, and Artificial Intelligence (3 cr)
AREC280: Harvesting Big Data to Examine Agriculture and Climate Change (3 cr)
AREC380: Data Science for Environmental and Resource Economics (3 cr)
ARHU299M: Studies in Humanities Technology; Machine Learning in Language and Art (3 cr)
ARTT489E: Advanced Special Topics in Art; Creative Experiments with AI (1 cr)
BCHM477: Biomolecular Measurement and Data Analysis (3 cr)
BDBA803: Causal Methods in Business Research (3 cr)
BDBA868A: Special Topics in Management; AI and Business Strategy (2 cr)
BIOE658I: Special Topics in Bioengineering (M.Eng.); Machine Learning (3 cr)
BIOI602: Principles of Data Science (3 cr)
BIOI603: Principles of Machine Learning (3 cr)
BMGT347: Quantitative Financial Analysis (3 cr)
BMGT404: Essential Data Skills for Business Analytics (3 cr)
BMGT408E: Emerging Topics in Information Systems; Big Data and AI using Cloud Computing (3 cr)
BMGT758A: Special Topics in Business and Management; AI and Business Strategy (2 cr)
BMGT758W: Special Topics in Business and Management; Foundations of AI (2 cr)
BMGT808J: Special Topics in Information Systems; Research in Responsible AI (2 cr)
BMGT808K: Special Topics in Information Systems; AI Design and Policy (2 cr)
BMGT838M: Special Topics in Operations Management/Management Science; Machine Learning for Causal Inference and Decision Support (2 cr)
BMSO603: Data Mining and Predictive Analytics (3 cr)
BMSO758Q: Special Topics in Business; Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Business (3 cr)
BSOS233: Data Science for the Social Sciences (3 cr)
BSOS326: Python Programming for the Social Sciences (3 cr)
BUAC716: Auditing Automation and Analytics (2 cr)
BUDT733: Data Mining and Predictive Analytics (2 cr)
BUDT751: Harnessing AI for Business (2 cr)
BUDT758B: Special Topics in Decision, Operations and Information Technologies; Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Business (3 cr)
BUFN403: Capstone Computational Finance Projects (3 cr)
BUFN650: Machine Learning in Finance (2 cr)
BUMK746: Data Science for Customer Analytics (3 cr)
BUSI718A: Special Topics in Business; Foundations of AI (2 cr)
BUSI758X: Special Topics in Business; AI and Business Strategy (2 cr)
BUSM715: Digital Marketing (2 cr)
BUSM758A: Special Topics in Business; AI and Business Strategy (2 cr)
BUSM758R: Special Topics in Business; Foundations of AI (2 cr)
CCJS418E: Seminar in Criminology and Criminal Justice; Applications of Data Science in Criminology (3 cr)
CCJS699F: Special Criminological Problems; Data Sciences (3 cr)
CHBE452: Introduction of Machine Learning in Chemical Engineering (3 cr)
CHBE652: Introduction of Machine Learning in Chemical Engineering (3 cr)
CMSC116: You and I, and Generative AI (3 cr)
CMSC141: Programming with Purpose I: Data-Centric Computing (4 cr)
CMSC320: Introduction to Data Science (3 cr)
CMSC396H: Computer Science Honors Seminar (1 cr)
CMSC398E: Special Topics in Computer Science; Essential Data Science Skill & Techniques (1 cr)
CMSC421: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3 cr)
CMSC422: Introduction to Machine Learning (3 cr)
CMSC425: Game Programming (3 cr)
CMSC426: Computer Vision (3 cr)
CMSC454: Algorithms for Data Science (3 cr)
CMSC470: Introduction to Natural Language Processing (3 cr)
CMSC472: Introduction to Deep Learning (3 cr)
CMSC473: Capstone in Machine Learning (3 cr)
CMSC477: Robotics Perception and Planning (3 cr)
CMSC498E: Selected Topics in Computer Science; Robotics (3 cr)
CMSC498Y: Selected Topics in Computer Science; Statistical Inference and Machine Learning Methods for Genomics Data (3 cr)
CMSC673: Capstone in Machine Learning (3 cr)
CMSC720: Foundations of Deep Learning (3 cr)
CMSC723: Natural Language Processing (3 cr)
CMSC740: Advanced Computer Graphics (3 cr)
CMSC742: Algorithms in Machine Learning: Guarantees and Analyses (3 cr)
CMSC756: Robotics (3 cr)
CMSC818B: Advanced Topics in Computer Systems; Decision-Making for Robotics (3 cr)
CMSC828A: Advanced Topics in Information Processing; Fantastic Machine Learning Paradigms and Where to use Them (3 cr)
CMSC848G: Selected Topics in Information Processing; Selected Topics in Machine Learning (3 cr)
CMSC848I: Selected Topics in Information Processing; Trustworthy Machine Learning (3 cr)
CMSC848J: Selected Topics in Information Processing; Cognitive Robotics (3 cr)
CMSC848Q: Selected Topics in Information Processing; How and Why Artificial Intelligence Answers Questions (3 cr)
COMM298M: Selected Topics in Communication; Machine Learning in Language and Art (3 cr)
DATA110: Applications of R for Data Science (1 cr)
DATA120: Python Programming for Data Science (1 cr)
DATA200: Knowledge in Society: Science, Data and Ethics (3 cr)
DATA320: Introduction to Data Science (3 cr)
DATA602: Principles of Data Science (3 cr)
DATA603: Principles of Machine Learning (3 cr)
DATA604: Data Representation and Modeling (3 cr)
DATA606: Algorithms for Data Science (3 cr)
DATA607: Communication in Data Science and Analytics (3 cr)
DATA641: Natural Language Processing (3 cr)
ECON230: Applied Economic Statistics (3 cr)
ECON354: Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems (4 cr)
ECON432: Applied Machine Learning (4 cr)
ECON623: Econometrics I (3 cr)
ECON722: Econometrics IV (3 cr)
ENAE450: Robotics Programming (3 cr)
ENAE488O: Topics in Aerospace Engineering; Introduction to Autonomous Multi-Robot Swarms (3 cr)
ENAE692: Introduction to Space Robotics (3 cr)
ENAE788M: Selected Topics in Aerospace Engineering; Hands On Autonomous Aerial Robotics (3 cr)
ENAE788O: Selected Topics in Aerospace Engineering; Introduction to Autonomous Multi-Robot Swarms (3 cr)
ENBC321: Machine Learning for Data Analysis (3 cr)
ENBC423: Applied Computer Vision (3 cr)
ENBC424: AI for Biocomputational Engineering (3 cr)
ENBC491: Senior Capstone Design in Biocomputational Engineering (3 cr)
ENCE489X: Special Problems in Civil Engineering; Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Natural Hazards Prediction (3 cr)
ENCE622: Construction Automation & Robotics (3 cr)
ENCE688M: Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering; Theory-Guided Machine Learning (1 cr)
ENCE689X: Seminar; Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Natural Hazards Prediction (3 cr)
ENEB345: Probability & Statistical Inference (3 cr)
ENEB346: Linear Algebra for Machine Learning Applications (3 cr)
ENEB456: Machine Learning Tools (3 cr)
ENEE408I: Capstone Design Project: Autonomous Control of Interacting Robots (3 cr)
ENEE436: Foundations of Machine Learning (3 cr)
ENEE439D: Topics in Signal Processing; Design Experience in Machine Learning (3 cr)
ENEE467: Robotics Project Laboratory (3 cr)
ENEE634: Learning and Statistical Signal Processing (3 cr)
ENEE769M: Advanced Topics in Controls; Robotics (3 cr)
ENFP201: Numerical Methods with MatLab (3 cr)
ENGL289G: Special Topics in English; Machine Learning in Language and Art (3 cr)
ENMA165: Introduction to Programming with Python (3 cr)
ENMA437: Machine Learning for Materials Science (3 cr)
ENMA637: Machine Learning for Materials Science (3 cr)
ENME413: Bio-Inspired Robotics (3 cr)
ENME420: De-Carbonization of Building Systems through Energy Audit, Renewable Energy, and Electrification (3 cr)
ENME435: Remote Sensing Instrumentation (3 cr)
ENME444: Assistive Robotics (3 cr)
ENME480: Introduction to Robotics (3 cr)
ENME485: Industrial AI (3 cr)
ENME691: Industrial AI (3 cr)
ENME737: Application of AI in Reliability: Prognostics and Systems Health Management (PHM) (3 cr)
ENME808E: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Machine Learning: Theory and Applications (3 cr)
ENPM604: Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Cybersecurity (3 cr)
ENPM605: Python Applications for Robotics (3 cr)
ENPM640: Rehabilitation Robotics (3 cr)
ENPM645: Human-Robot Interaction (3 cr)
ENPM661: Planning for Autonomous Robots (3 cr)
ENPM662: Introduction to Robot Modeling (3 cr)
ENPM663: Building a Manufacturing Robotic Software System (3 cr)
ENPM667: Control of Robotic Systems (3 cr)
ENPM673: Perception for Autonomous Robots (3 cr)
ENPM690: Robot Learning (3 cr)
ENPM692: Manufacturing and Automation (3 cr)
ENPM701: Autonomous Robotics (3 cr)
ENPM808E: Advanced Topics in Engineering; Underwater Robot Perception (3 cr)
ENPM808W: Advanced Topics in Engineering; Data Science (3 cr)
ENPM808X: Advanced Topics in Engineering; Software Development for Robotics (3 cr)
ENPM808Z: Advanced Topics in Engineering; Cognitive Robotics (3 cr)
ENPM809K: Special Topics in Engineering; Fundamentals for Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Framework (3 cr)
ENPM809Y: Special Topics in Engineering; Introductory Robot Programming (3 cr)
ENRE640: Collection and Analysis of Reliability Data (3 cr)
ENRE655: Advanced Methods in Reliability Modeling (3 cr)
ENSE622: System Trade-off Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (3 cr)
ENST499E: Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology; Artificial Intelligence for the Environment (3 cr)
ENTS669D: Special Topics in Computing; Foundations of Machine Learning (3 cr)
ENTS669K: Special Topics in Computing; AI Applications for 6G (3 cr)
GEOG398E: Special Topics in Geography; Introduction to Spatial Artificial Intelligence (3 cr)
GEOG461: Machine Learning for Computational Earth Observation Science (CEOS) (3 cr)
GEOG685: Machine Learning and Data Mining (3 cr)
GEOG688M: Selected Topics in GIS; Machine Learning for Computational Earth Observation Science (CEOS) (3 cr)
GEOL789M: Machine Learning in Geoscience (3 cr)
GVPT622: Quantitative Methods For Political Science (3 cr)
HBUS105: The Future of Analysis: Making Data Driven Decisions in Business (3 cr)
HGLO101: Saving the World With Data (3 cr)
HLSA776: Advanced Empirical Methods in Health Services Research (3 cr)
HNUH258V: Collective Behavior in Natural and Artificial Systems (3 cr)
IMDM350: Advanced Digital Media Theory (3 cr)
IMDM498E: Special Topics in Immersive Media; Creative Experiments with AI (3 cr)
INST414: Data Science Techniques (3 cr)
INST461: Emerging Technologies and Risk Management (3 cr)
INST713: Futures of Work (3 cr)
INST735: Natural Language Processing (3 cr)
INST737: Introduction to Data Science (3 cr)
INST762: Visual Analytics (3 cr)
INST767: Big Data Infrastructure (3 cr)
INST788B: Special Topics: Collaborative Curation; Trustworthy Machine Learning (3 cr)
JAPN447: Technologies of Japanese Performance (3 cr)
JOUR389W: News Coverage of Special Topics; News Alchemy: Journalism and Artificial Intelligence (3 cr)
JOUR689W: News Coverage of Specialized Topics; News Alchemy: Journalism and Artificial Intelligence (3 cr)
LING723: Natural Language Processing (3 cr)
MSML602: Principles of Data Science (3 cr)
MSML603: Principles of Machine Learning (3 cr)
MSML605: Computing Systems for Machine Learning (3 cr)
MSML640: Computer Vision (3 cr)
MSML641: Natural Language Processing (3 cr)
MSML642: Robotics (3 cr)
MSML651: Big Data Analytics (3 cr)
MSQC603: Principles of Machine Learning (3 cr)
MSQC604: Quantum Computing Architectures and Algorithms (3 cr)
PHIL211: AI & ETHICS (3 cr)
PHIL688F: Selected Problems in Philosophy; Trustworthy Machine Learning (3 cr)
PHPE308D: Special Topics in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics; Fairness in Machine Learning (3 cr)
PHPE308G: Special Topics in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics; The Philosophy in AI (3 cr)
PHYS486: Machine Learning for Physicists (3 cr)
PHYS786: Machine Learning for Physicists (3 cr)
PLCY610: Quantitative Aspects of Public Policy (3 cr)
PSYC417: Data Science for Psychology and Neuroscience Majors (4 cr)
PSYC431: Human and Animal Intelligence (3 cr)
SOCY456: Smart Machines and Human Prospects (3 cr)
SOCY462: Digital Technology and Society (3 cr)
STAT426: Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning (3 cr)
STAT707: Bayesian Statistics (3 cr)
STAT740: Linear Statistical Models I (3 cr)
STAT741: Linear Statistical Models II (3 cr)
SURV613: Machine Learning for Social Science (3 cr)
SURV615: Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning I (3 cr)
SURV616: Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning II (3 cr)
SURV675: Modern Workflows in Data Science (2 cr)
SURV751: Introduction to Big Data and Machine Learning (1 cr)
SURV753: Machine Learning II (2 cr)
URSP688Y: Recent Developments in Urban Studies; Smart Cities and Urban Data Science (3 cr)
VIPS208R: Starting with Vertically Integrated Projects; 3D-Printed Video Game-Playing Soft Robots (1 cr)
VIPS308R: Engaging with Vertically Integrated Projects; 3D-Printed Video Game-Playing Soft Robots (1 cr)
VIPS408R: Leading with Vertically Integrated Projects; 3D-Printed Video Game-Playing Soft Robots (1 cr)
Did you teach an AI-related course that you'd like us to include? Email Melissa Tellez at mtellez1@umd.edu with the details and we'll add it to this page.