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AIM Announces Faculty Hiring Effort and Seed Award Program

Apply to be one of 30 new tenured/tenure-track faculty members in AI at UMD. Apply for AI-related course development grants. Apply for research seed funding in three different tracks: Cross-College Collaborative Awards, Individual Faculty and Student Awards, and AIM Fellows.

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AIM Faculty & Staff

Sheena Erete

Sheena Erete

AIM Associate Director of Research // Associate Professor in the College of Information


Dr. Sheena Erete is an associate professor in the College of Information at the University of Maryland, College Park and the Associate Director of Research for the Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Institute at Maryland (AIM). She is also the founder and director of the Community Research, Equity, and Design Collective (CREED).

Dr.  Erete is a researcher, educator, designer, and community advocate, whose research focuses on co-designing socio-cultural technologies, practices, and policies with community residents to amplify their local efforts. Her work has addressed topics such as community safety, education, civic engagement, and health. The objective of her work is to create more just and equitable outcomes and futures for those who have historically and who currently face structural oppression. 

Her research has won several best paper awards in top venues such as ACM CHI, CSCW, and SIGCSE as well a diversity and inclusion award for her collaborative work dissecting oppression that exists in the field of computing, HCI, and design. Her work has been supported by the National Science Foundation and numerous other state and philanthropic organizations. 

Dr. Erete received Bachelor of Science degrees in computer science and mathematics from Spelman College. She received a master's degree in computer science from Georgia Tech and a Ph.D. in technology & social behavior (joint degree in computer science and communication) from Northwestern University. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, reading, hiking, running and spending time with her family.

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